College Planning
What Should You Be Doing Now?
- Create a four-year high school plan.
- Pick courses wisely. Take the most challenging classes you can handle. The stronger your courses and the higher your grades, the more college choices you will have.
- Participate in community service as much as possible. Colleges, scholarship committees, and many employers are looking for students who are engaged and active in their school and community. They are also looking for students who have leadership abilities and an interest in community service.
- Join clubs and volunteer for activities related to your interests.
- Establish positive relationships with teachers, coaches, counselors/college and career.
- Start compiling a list of colleges that interest you.
- Attend college fairs and presentations by college representatives at the school.
- Visit college websites; talk to teachers, and recent graduates to learn about colleges
- Take the PSAT/SAT/ACT
- Start a resume highlighting your academic achievements, special skills, community service, and talents.
- Take a career interest test.
- Explore summer activities related to your career goals.
- Have a clean digital footprint. Admissions officers and employers check the social media of their applicants. Use social media to support others and to highlight your positive activities and accomplishments.